Two things I found rather odd about this week's study:
1. Paragraph 6 suggests that Ruth came to know about Jehovah from her late husband or from Naomi.The article also seems to give the impression that Ruth was a lover of Jehovah and a spiritual person. So all of this raises a rather puzzling question regarding Naomi's actions in light of JWs view of the need to put spiritual interests ahead of material interests:
Why on earth would Naomi, supposedly a lover of Jehovah and a spiritual person, urge Ruth to return to her people and the worship of false gods, just for the sake of having her material needs met? Naomi does not seem to be a very spiritual woman as JWs consider spirituality. Naomi is the kind of JW that would encourage her daughter to go to university or take that full-time job that clashes with meeting times, to meet her physical needs. Naomi was clearly putting Ruth's material needs ahead of spirituality.
2. What's with the sexual innuendos in paragraph 15?!
Is Mary's faith not remarkable? A slave girl was at her master's disposal. Mary thus entrusted her care and choices to her Master, Jehovah. She wanted to serve him in whatever way he saw fit. Where did her faith come from? Faith is not inborn. It is the product of a person's effort and God's blessing. (Gal. 5:22; Eph. 2:8) Is there effort that Mary put forth effort to strengthen her faith? There is. Consider how she listened and how she spoke.
Either this was a joke by an awake JW in the writing department ... or maybe Watchtower is trying to sexually excite the pedophiles in the congregations. I mean, just look at the picture of Mary on page 16. Look how young she looks ...